Thursday, November 20, 2014

There is a Fury to the Love of God!

Two of my favorite authors (one a singer and a song writer as well) talk about the fury of God’s love or the furious nature of God’s love. (Andrew Peterson and Brennan Manning)  I remember the first time that I heard this quote from the song Rise and Shine by Andrew Peterson and I could not shake the thought that God’s love can be furious.  It seems like an oxymoron.  Then you read in the news about a famous person beating his/her significant other and then we get a skewed perspective on this term. Paul said, “To be angry but sin not.”  Jesus demonstrated this in the temple and on the cross.  Still I have a hard time reconciling the two concepts. 

As I muse on this furious love my mind is drawn to almost every fairy-tale and heroic story where there was a damsel in distress and a warrior drawn to rescue her.  When I think of Jesus in this light I can begin to get a glimpse of this love that carries with it a weight of fury.
I can imagine Jesus armor clad, sword in hand, muscles rippling as He runs across the rickety rope bridge charging a crusty, craggy, horned fire breathing dragon.  I see Him battling His way through every obstacle only to arrive at the final door behind which we (the bride of Christ waits) bound with chains of our own making to walls of sin, grief, depression, and pride. 

I wonder if He pauses there outside the door and knocks gently with knuckles still bleeding from recent battles.  The more I think of Jesus (the lover of my soul) the more I feel that He would not stand outside that door for even a second.  He would kick it to splinters and fall on His knees before His beloved and gently ask for her hand.  He said He came to set the captives free; He said that he would leave the 99 safe to save the one.  He somehow emptied Himself and became flesh to walk among us.  Too hold us, laugh with us, cry with us, and touch us in ways that would leave a lasting impression. 

In the end of this musing I can only say that there is a fury to the love of God.  He stormed the stronghold of Satan and freed me to love Him for all eternity!  It is not His will that any perish but that all would come to repentance, oh how it must break His heart to get to that final point and face the individual chained to their own sin only to be rejected. 

Jesus, let me experience the fury and intensity of your love and allow me to feel the same toward You.  Help me to Love the Unlovable, and to seek opportunities to share the story of Your love.  Amen.

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